The Mathematical Image Analysis Group, Saarland University

  Link address:

  Our group is headed by Prof. Joachim Weickert . It belongs to both theMathematics and the Computer Science Department of Saarland University .

  We perform research on mathematically well-founded methods in image processing and computer vision. The main focus is on techniques using partial differential equations and variational methods. We are interested in all aspects of these techniques, including mathematical modeling, well-posedness analysis, efficient algorithms for sequential and parallel computer architectures, and medical applications.


  Postal Address:Mathematical Image Analysis Group

  Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science

  Saarland University , Building E1 1

  66041 Saarbrü cken , Germany


  Secretary:+49-681-302-57341 ( Ellen Wintringer )

  Office:Room 4.22, Building E1 7, Saarbrü cken Campus (Campus Map)